1. Getting Started
  2. Overview of the athenaCL System
  3. Getting Started and Advanced Work
  4. More Information
  5. Conventions Used in this Manual
  6. Production of this Manual
  7. Installation
  8. Tutorials
  9. Tutorial 1: The Interactive Command Line Interface
    1. Starting the athenaCL Interpreter
    2. Introduction to Command
    3. Viewing Command Name
    4. Executing Command
    5. Getting Help for Command
    6. Configuring the User Environment
  10. Tutorial 2: AthenaObjects and EventModes
    1. Introduction to AthenaObjects
    2. Loading and Removing an AthenaObject
    3. EventModes and EventOutputs
    4. Creating an EventList
    5. Configuring and Using Csound
    6. Saving and Merging AthenaObjects
  11. Tutorial 3: Creating and Editing Paths
    1. Introduction to Paths
    2. Creating Selecting and Viewing PathInstances
    3. Copying and Removing PathInstances
    4. Editing PathInstances
  12. Tutorial 4: Creating and Editing Textures
    1. Introduction to Textures and ParameterObjects
    2. Introduction Instrument Models
    3. Selecting and Viewing TextureModules
    4. Creating Selecting and Viewing TextureInstances
    5. Copying and Removing Texture instances
    6. Editing TextureInstance Attributes
    7. Muting Textures
    8. Viewing and Searching ParameterObjects
    9. Editing ParameterObjects
    10. Editing Rhythm ParameterObjects
    11. Editing Instruments and Altering EventMode
    12. Displaying Texture Parameter Values
  13. Tutorial 5: Textures and Paths
    1. Path Linking and Pitch Formation Redundancy
    2. Creating a Path With a Duration Fraction
    3. Setting EventMode and Creating a Texture
    4. PitchMode
    5. Editing Local Octave
    6. Editing Local Field and Temperament
  14. Tutorial 6: Textures and Clones
    1. Introduction to Clones
    2. Creating and Editing Clones
  15. Tutorial 7: Scripting athenaCL in Python
    1. Creating an athenaCL Interpreter Within Python
    2. Creating athenaCL Generator ParameterObjects Within Python
    3. Creating athenaCL Generator ParameterObjects Within Csound