Viewing Command Names
When starting athenaCL, the user is presented with a prompt (::). To display a listing of all commands enter "cmd", for command:
Listing all commands
pi{y0}ti{a2} :: cmd
athenaCL Commands:
PathInstance PIn(new) PIcp(copy) PIrm(remove)
PIo(select) PIv(view) PIe(edit)
PIdf(duration) PIls(list) PIh(hear)
PIret(retro) PIrot(rot) PIslc(slice)
TextureModule TMo(select) TMv(view) TMls(list)
TextureParameter TPls(list) TPv(select) TPmap(map)
TextureInstance TIn(new) TIcp(copy) TIrm(remove)
TIo(select) TIv(view) TIe(edit)
TIls(list) TImode(mode) TImute(mute)
TIdoc(doc) TImap(map) TImidi(midi)
TextureClone TCn(new) TCcp(copy) TCrm(remove)
TCo(select) TCv(view) TCe(edit)
TCls(list) TCmute(mute) TCmap(map)
TextureTemperament TTls(list) TTo(select)
TextureEnsemble TEv(view) TEe(edit) TEmap(map)
EventOutput EOls(list) EOo(select) EOrm(remove)
EventMode EMls(list) EMo(select) EMv(view)
EventList ELn(new) ELw(save) ELv(view)
ELh(hear) ELr(render) ELauto(auto)
AthenaPreferences APdir(directory) APea(external) APa(audio)
APgfx(graphics) APcurs(cursor) APr(refresh)
AthenaHistory AHls(list) AHexe(execute)
AthenaUtility AUsys(system) AUdoc(docs) AUup(update)
AUbeat(beat) AUpc(pitch) AUmg(markov)
AUma(markov) AUca(automata)
AthenaObject AOw(save) AOl(load) AOmg(merge)
This display, organized by prefix heading, shows each command followed by a longer description of the commands name.